Boom Box

Student Entrant 2015

Galgotias College Of Engg & Tech
Scylla Labs


A Mad Scientist named Spidy had made a new bomb that can destroy the whole forest trees and wildlife near 25 Kilometer radius of the bomb, so he was testing his bomb on the land of a forest protector named Shaggy.
When Shaggy get to know about it then he want to stop this insanity but he is far away from area where bomb has been planted and can't reach there on time. so he just figure out another way to destroy the bomb by dropping the bomb into the water and he had to do that by using a sniper rifile .
So what you think, can you help shaggy to protect his forest from this insanity?
Of-course you can but after lots of failure as it seems to be easy but believe me it is not that easy.
you will learn the nature of physics and may become the true genius as only the true genius are able to complete the all stages of this game.
