Copy Editor

Entrant 2021

Christopher Cinq-Mars Jarvis with Cinq-Mars Media


Copy Editor is an addicting game which teaches Regular Expressions, commonly used in computer science and language theory. RegExp patterns direct search operations and manage text. While you will no doubt learn valuable RegEx skills, the game focuses on tactics and lateral thinking with rewarding logic puzzles.

In Copy Editor, review public-domain works and make changes to the text building on new Regular Expressions with each level. Use characters, scripts, and sequences to align your "Input" with the "Objective." Begin the game with a few expressions and gather skills in combining operations.

Your wacky and demanding publishers will be providing you hints in a fake Chat Box along the way. The Chat gives you additional options to select your level, find RegExp tips, and access Help if you are completely baffled. Copy Editor includes RegEx Help, linked to the open source "Regular Expressions 101" in GitHub.

Whether you are new to using Regular Expressions or want to test your proficiency, Copy Editor promises a fun and challenging puzzle experience.
