Sequel to the 2009 IGF Mobile Game of the Year and iPhone Game of the Year, now designed for multiple platforms! In Spider: Rite of the Shrouded Moon you play a spider who spins webs of your own design to trap insects and make your way through an abandoned estate, leaving the place covered in cobwebs. An innovative feature uses your real world location and matches the time and weather in the game with what's happening outside your window. More than atmosphere and immersion, this feature introduces gameplay variations into every level. Crickets and fireflies come out at night, mosquitoes during the rain, you can't go up the water spout when it's raining, lightning strikes the weathervane, and much more. Even the real life moon phase comes into play.
It's possible to breeze through Spider as a casual player, but you'll miss its many layers of depth. To master the scoring system, you must exhibit the careful planning, patience, and agility of a real spider. If you like stories and mystery, you'll discover an enormous environmental narrative told without words or dialog. Several optional puzzles add up to a final Uber puzzle. What's clear is that Blackbird Estate was built long ago by a secret society. But why? What is their secret? Seeking always to blur the lines between character vs. player, game vs. reality, Spider culminates in the deepest layer of all: The Knights of the Buried Chambers were a real secret society, and you'll need to do real research and embark on real adventures to find the true ending of the experience.