Utilizing the internet as the delivery platform, and the web as the core game mechanic, Tetrageddon is a site made up of casual games exploring the games-as-art, internet as game, musical interpretation, and comedic theme of games. This is an exploration of interactivity re-inventing traditional entertainment models. The games are "Pop Art Games" playing out like interactive memes, inspired by today's fast paced online lifestyle and digital age. The project is of non-profit nature, and is dedicated to making games for the sake of games. Aiming to encourage collaborative adaptation, sharing of games, and to eventually become a resource site, the project has been releasing games as open source. Assets, and source files, are downloadable via a "view source" option.
Games are also available as a standalone desktop PC version ("download .exe").
Tetrageddon is developed by, and run by, one very passionate, and obsessed person.