
Entrant 2009

And Yet It Moves Team


Yes, you can jump and run but you can also rotate! To be more specific you can rotate the world in steps of 90 degrees. This obviously has an impact on your environment: a wall will be a floor, a tunnel can suddenly be used as a downward slide and a resting stone might fall and turn into a dangerous trap or a useful object to throw around.
But don�t worry you, as well as the rest of the world, are made out of paper. So even if you rip apart you will just be put back together and you can try again.
Use the ability to rotate and its physical consequences wisely to overcome falling stones and deadly lizards in the Cave, fly high on bamboo trampolines and pass aggressive monkeys in the Jungle to finally master the abstract challenges of the hallucinogenic Trip. If you are smart enough to finish all the levels, then perfect your rotation skills to beat the global highscores.