Sushi Lion


Q.Bit is a reflex platformer that aims to conjure up the same sweaty palms as Super Meat Boy by Team Meat. You control the Body of a robot living in a somewhat dystopian world, ruled by Heads. In Q.Bit, an unruly and oppressed Body is paired with a Head and they must both work together, albeit begrudgingly, in order to survive.

The Player utilizes a combination of movement mechanics and two way teleportation in combination with a new take on what it means to 'die' in a videogame.

Michigan State University
8-Bit Breakfast


Protocol 47 is a 2D endless runner for the iPad that takes the genre in a new direction. The team at 8-Bit Breakfast really enjoy the addictive, fast paced game-play that the popular genre of 2D runners provide. However, they tend to end quickly and with no time for the player to enjoy how well they are doing. Protocol 47 explores the gameplay possibilities of a 2D runner where the player can afford to make multiple mistakes and has time to "breath" with round-based gameplay.

Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy
Dusty Games, LLC


Help me get sued by VALVe! PROTAL: CUBED is a mobile / web puzzle game based in the Portal universe. Amateur Science Weighted Compadre Cubes must go through a rigorous testing process before they can be used for human testing. That's where you come in.

Republic Polytechnic
Natus Eclat


Projections is a game of collection and timing designed with an 8bit graphical and audio feel. Consisting only of the Player, Enemy AIs, Projection Points, and Power ups. Evasion and premeditation of you and your enemies' path is crucial for survival.

Federal University of São Paulo - Brazil
Thiago Strahler Rivero


Neumann is a revolutionary HTML5 serious game project that evaluates a player's cognitive skills and tailors itself to their ability so as to stimulate maximum brain performance. The various action-based RPG stylized mini-games making up the project are targeted at children and adolescents with various learning and neuro-developmental disorders (such as ADHD, Dyslexia, Learning Disorders, and Autism). In-built recording and analysis tools are also included for assessing the training behaviour exhibited by a player.

Drexel University
Bear Hands


After taking the role of Miles Weston, a citizen initially unaware of the trouble brewing in New Haven, and joining with Elvira Causton, a long-time friend, in an impromptu escape from the ECDC, an oppressive energy corporation, you get caught up in a secret society which begins to turn you into an instrument of destruction. Systematically taking down the organization which turned New Haven into a socially unstable, broken down metropolis, you soon learn the conspiracy of Project Islandia, a movement which, if completed, will change and rip apart the world of millions.

DSK Supinfogame
Team Mazhlele


Project Heera is P v P heist game.

It takes place in top down perspective with diamonds placed at specific loations on the map. The Objective is simple: One team tries to steal the diamonds while the other has to defend them. As the game is played in a round system, both the teams get equal chances to play as cops and thieves. The team in end to steal the most number of diamonds wins !

Algonquin College, School of Media and Design
Team Full Throttle


Project Full Throttle, a vehicular combat game is showcased in this pre-alpha build demonstrating the race game mode along with 4 of our ship attachments. Game modes such as death match, capture the flag, and racing. Personalized objective based game modes are currently in development, as well as our attachment system which lets you customize the types of weapons and gadgets you can use for your vehicle. Weapons and gadgets range from advanced high tech devices to primitive combat weapons.

Team Prisma


Prisma is a 2.5D, trans-dimensional platformer developed by SCAD-Atlanta students for their senior studio project. Players take upon the role of Ray, who must travel through a mysterious, multi-dimensional world.

Players swap between color-coded dimensions, each of which grant her unique abilities. For example, in the blue world, the player can jump higher, in the yellow world, players can run faster, and in the red world, players can push and pull objects.

Instituto Profesional ARCOS
Postale Indie Game


Postale is an experimental puzzle platformer game in which the core mechanic consists in how the player's position can change the "figure-ground" perception only by manipulating dynamic environments. This Demo is full of challenging puzzles, intriguing scenarios, a beautiful story and harmonious melodies that creates a wonderful atmosphere.