"At the edge of the Universe lies The Utility Room. The 'Behind the Scenes' where all the heavy lifting takes place. There have been no work incidents in 13.8 Billion years. You are arriving as a tourist. Don't do anything foolish."
The Utility Room is a linear 6DOF VR Journey across a surreal 'behind the scenes' world, a barren and rocky landscape inhabitated my megalithic stone heads. The player traverses the world after getting trapped. They are trespassing. It features minor gameplay elements and environmental storytelling. A pervading sense of megalophobia and fear of the unknown runs through the game. It is frightening and tense, but not like a traditional horror game.
The journey ends with the player encountering the overseer known as Bin Man or the Cosmic Caretaker, a spherical anthropomorphic head who plummets the player into a montage of experimental VR environments that reprimand the player for causing trouble.