Humans Must Answer

Entrant 2013



Humans Must Answer is a classic 2D space shooter set in the distant future...with lots of explosions. You play as the pilot on board a Scout ship called The Golden Eagle, which is manned by a crew of intelligent and dangerous chickens. After discovering the Solar System in which us humans reside, they attempt to establish contact but are surprised when the only answer is hostile! So starts their explosive trip towards their goal, the Sun, along which they'll meet the peculiarities of this bizarre future and show no mercy to the fleets of humans and robots that dare stand in their way.

Slick back your combs and fiddle with your wattles, for Humans Must Answer features an emphasis on danger evasion, hidden bonuses, epic boss fights and a deep upgrade and points system. There are plenty of sumptuous explosions too. Players can place temporary turrets, experiment with combining different weapons and challenge themselves by finding and obtaining all of the hidden eggs. Did we mention there are explosions too?
