Mayan Death Robots

Entrant 2015

Sileni Studios


In Mayan Death Robots, you play a massive alien robot who dukes it out in a deathmatch during the peak of the Maya civilization, 1500 years ago. Your tiny Mayan tribe, who think their god has descended from the heavens, will worship you and aid you in battle. The real Mayan gods, however, do not take kindly to this blasphemous robot worship, and will enter the fray as well. When this happens, the game turns into a co-op game where both players have to fight the common enemy before they can continue blasting each other again.

Mayan Death Robots is a blend between a fighting game and an artillery game (think Worms). You pick an alien robot with unique abilities from the roster and fight each other in levels that you can completely destroy or rebuild as you see fit. During tournaments, the robots can be upgraded, unlocking new tactics and strategies. While you are playing, you traverse 1000 years of Mayan history as you decipher the mysterious Mayan Calendar. As time passes on, you acquire new robots, weapons and levels and experience historic Mayan events, changing the way you play the game.
