Monster Loves You!

Entrant 2014

Radial Games Corp. & Dejobaan Games, LLC.


You're a young monster, orphaned by humans who now wear your parents as luxurious pelts. You live in the village of Omen, and your favorite snack is human fingers. As a monster, you pop up in the most interesting places — what do you do when three angry bears discover a young blonde girl in their cabin? Or when you spy a wolf hunting down that woman with the red cloak?

As a monsterling, your choices are simple ones. Do you have that blueberry pie, knowing it will spoil your dinner and turn your coat blue? Do you play with one bowling ball and become better at sports, or juggle a dozen, thereby growing lots of arms? What happens when you win that staring contest with the Thousand Eyed Demon? As a youth, your choices determine your appearance.
