Moon Intern

Entrant 2014



Moon Intern is a serialized side-scrolling action RPG set on a Moon Colony played almost like a comic book with each day acting like a single issue or a single episode. Our game is light-hearted with a lot of love, action and adventure starring you, the backers! Navigate between the various areas of the Moon Colony as you preform odd jobs and random tasks in order to pay your rent (you're an intern after all). Also, keep your soul mate (the game's most important NPC) happy by spending time with them and taking them on missions. Sometimes, however, you must face the perils of living on the Moon. You might have to stop an attack on a factory by the dangerous Robot Gang, clear out a nasty infestation of Moon parasites, or even face the brilliant and ruthless Moon King. In the end, you're just an intern trying to make rent each month and keep your soul mate happy. The only difference is, on the Moon, you might have to fight a few ghosts, robots, parasites, and self-proclaimed monarchs to do so.
