Entrant 2015

Daniel Dez


OBEY is a competitive multiplayer action game where you win by coercing your opponents to do things against their own self interest (and in your interest).

We've all commanded AI units or team mates in a game.
In OBEY you are instead positioned to command your enemies (human opponents) - and to be commanded by them.

To win, make more money than any one else by the end of the round.
To make the most money, you have to take command of the giant robot (the robot player makes 20x more than the other players per second)
You take control of it by walking into a door at the base of the robot.
The player in the robot can easily destroy any player he sees trying to approach (IF he sees them).
That's the basics – so superficially, it plays like 'king of the hill'.

However, experienced robot players will know that it is not always in their interest to simply kill the approaching players.
Why not? Because he can instead coerce them to do what he wants.
and that's where the game gets interesting…
