
Student Entrant 2011

DADIU (The National Academy of Digital, Interactive Entertainment)
Team Office Rage


Office Rage is a therapeutic game for the dis­gruntled office worker. When the job is an­noying and you need to get the frustrations out, Office Rage is the perfect break.
The game is an all-action game based on pick­ing up, throwing and destroying objects in the work place. You are plunged into a battle zone, as a disgruntled employee, where you are charged with wreaking havoc within an office space. The more you destroy, the stronger you grow as you work against the clock. The time based challenge of obliterating the office space before the security guard arrive, allow you to destroy what you want, when you want!
When time runs out, the security guard shows up and neutralizes you with his tazer – so you have to be quick to get on the high score!