Renowned tween detective, Penny Blue, has taken YOU, her goody-two-shoes babysitter under her wing as an apprentice (against your will) to solve a murder mystery. Penny is gutsy, and has a love for action and intrigue! But…she is not the brightest, and is easily exasperated by hard work. That's where you come in, the brains of the operation!
Explore a grand hotel and interview interesting characters, both full of secrets. And of course, catch the murderer! One fair warning…don't get your britches in a knot when Penny takes all the credit in the end, as usual.
Penny Blue Finds a Clue is a comedic, first person, narrative-based detective adventure game. Our high concept was "Nancy Drew meets Grim Fandango." The game features off-the-wall, original storytelling and a unique art style; traditionally animated 2D characters in a wonky, cartoonish 3D environment. The game was created in Unreal Engine 4.