Perils of Man

Entrant 2015

IF Games, Mike Huber, Philipp Zünd


When sixteen year-old Ana Eberling receives an unexpected gift from her missing father, she is catapulted headlong into a gripping mystery that will take her on a journey through time. Ana is amazed to learn that her ancestors were inventors of an incredible technology that gave them the power to eliminate uncertainty. Ana needs to know why her family has fiercely kept this potential boon to humanity from the public for generations, and if the answer to that question has something to do with her missing father. Ultimately Ana must decide if a perfectly predictable world is a curse on humanity, or a triumph for mankind.

The Perils Of Man reboots the classic graphic adventure game with striking 3D animations, challenging puzzles, and a moving story that will leave you pondering its profound implications. With a tip of the hat to steampunk, this epic adventure spans 150 years, darting from a tramp freighter adrift in the South China Sea to impending disaster at the Chicago World's Fair, bringing a host of unforgettable characters, perilous exploits, and existential riddles along for the ride.

We created a 3D adventure game where the player can control Ana Eberling in her quest to uncover the mystery behind her father's disappearance. For this game our goal was to appeal to a younger audience of casual gamers who seek high-end 3D visuals and challenging gameplay. By delivering a premium game experience within seamless, 3D doll-house environments we are able to tap into this passionate audience to generate buzz and create discussions around the theme of risk. Perils of Man is the result of a unique team of collaborators including Ex-LucasArts Game Designer Bill Tiller and Gene Moscy who were brought in to create unique puzzles evolving around the theme of risk.
