Social Contact is a simulation of political philosophy. The player follows the evolution of abstracted individuals whose lives are dictated by our subjective assumptions. By choosing a specific set of conditions at the beginning of each chapter, we then witness the becoming of abstracted individuals according to our beliefs. Are we inherently friendly? How do we react to the presence of others? Where does our culture come from? How do we relate to the resources present in our world? Social Contact asks all of these questions and offers the player a chance to ponder these questions while gazing at the unfolding of her world.
Social Contact also exists in the constant struggle between objectivity and subjectivity, between the systemic and the individual. While agents in the simulation exist as a group, they remain nonetheless singular individuals, each with their own experiences, thoughts and hopes. Lying in the middle of the simulation, then, is the generation of individual voices that the player can listen to, but not affect, realizing as such the undeniable power of assumptions an a political scale, constant tension between one and many.