Set in the sleepy town of Dormont – a town in a spiralling split from the fabric of reality, warped by darkness and the deeds of the citizens who reside within, Those Who Remain is a story-driven, first-person adventure thriller combining a deeply-atmospheric game world replete with tense psychological horror that delves deep into the human psyche.
Edward, a man who had previously enjoyed the perfect life, is attempting to break off an affair to put his life back on track by driving into the night, unaware of the darkness brewing below Dormont and the cause of recent disappearances. Players must confront the unknown horrors reflected by the darkness and survive the night as Edward is faced with a test of his sanity, morality and the shadows of evil that lurks below.
In development for over two years, Those Who Remain from Camel 101 presents a unique atmospheric psychological thriller experience. The game offers a suspenseful sensation throughout the story about the mysterious town of Dormont. Players can keep the darkness at bay and experience an immersive branching narrative with weighted choices and consequences and multiple endings.