2014 Competition Entrants

by Zenith Blue
Website Video

Mitsurugi is a character action game focusing on quick combos and destroying multiple foes at once. Use your lighting fast blade in arena-based levels to slash enemies apart and sheath your sword at just the right time to eliminate all of your enemies at once.

Mitsurugi follows the quest of a Blade Maiden who must hunt down her closest friend, who has stolen a forbidden and powerful demon blade.

by Vidroid & iWait4
Website Video

Molecats is a hardcore indirect-control puzzle game...with traps!

They are simpletons who like mushrooms and marching. Molecats usually go to the nearby caves to gather the delicious 'shrooms, but mostly they get lost along the way.

Your goal here is to guide the Molecats through unique levels by taking control of the environment and changing the course they follow. Along the way the Molecats will face various traps, collect 'shrooms, solve challenges and meet some very interesting characters.

by Nick Zhang and Jonathan Zungre
Website Video

Did you hear the Molynews? You are Peter Molyneux. You're about to do an interview for you new game Fable 3. Answer the interviewer's questions by clicking on phrases to make sentences. Your goal is to construct an actual Peter Molyneux quote with the phrases provided. But don't take to long or you'll say the first thing that comes to your mind. And don't be nervous, these interviews only determine how many people buy your game....

Molynews was made by two NYU Game Center MFA students, Nick Zhang and Jonathan Zungre, in 48 hours for the 2013 Molyjam.

by Nowhere Studios
Website Video

A cinematic puzzle platformer about being a kid and caring for a little brother in a chilling 1950s dystopia.

by Radial Games Corp. & Dejobaan Games, LLC.
Website Video

You're a young monster, orphaned by humans who now wear your parents as luxurious pelts. You live in the village of Omen, and your favorite snack is human fingers. As a monster, you pop up in the most interesting places — what do you do when three angry bears discover a young blonde girl in their cabin? Or when you spy a wolf hunting down that woman with the red cloak?

As a monsterling, your choices are simple ones. Do you have that blueberry pie, knowing it will spoil your dinner and turn your coat blue? Do you play with one bowling ball and become better at sports, or juggle a dozen, thereby growing lots of arms? What happens when you win that staring contest with the Thousand Eyed Demon? As a youth, your choices determine your appearance.

by ShortStack Games
Website Video

Monster Milkshake is a modern gothic horror parody casual color-matching game. It has almost as many adjectives as art assets.

You play as Skoj, the friendly neighborhood vegan fur monster, who has made it his mission in life to bring pseudo-faceless food to the monstrous masses of his hometown. Make milkshakes out of living fruit, show them no mercy, and make the biggest profit!

Or die trying... < shakes fist >

by Fat Loot Games
Website Video

Monster Stacker puts you in the role of a monster supplier who stocks dungeons with bad guys for fun and profit! An amalgamation of Tetris meets a physics puzzler, with player being tasked with stacking various block shaped monsters as high as possible in order to get paid.

by QuadraTron
Website Video

Monsters is a 2D action shooter inspired by the classic arcade game Robotron 2084. Wielding "twin stick" controls, the player aims to defeat waves of enemy monsters bent on his destruction. The player must use caution, however, as every shot drains the player's life/energy. The only way to stay alive is to continuously collect the hearts of the slain monsters. In addition, hearts of different colors provide a variety of "power-up" like abilities that the player can use to their advantage. The player uses two sets of controls, one to move, the other to fire. Each wave is a single screen populated with a number of enemy monsters of varying types. Coming into contact with an enemy or an enemy projectile will decrease the player's life/energy. Defeating each level of monsters will allow the player to progress to a more difficult level. The game will progress infinitely as the player defeats each level.

Website Video

Moon Intern is a serialized side-scrolling action RPG set on a Moon Colony played almost like a comic book with each day acting like a single issue or a single episode. Our game is light-hearted with a lot of love, action and adventure starring you, the backers! Navigate between the various areas of the Moon Colony as you preform odd jobs and random tasks in order to pay your rent (you're an intern after all). Also, keep your soul mate (the game's most important NPC) happy by spending time with them and taking them on missions. Sometimes, however, you must face the perils of living on the Moon. You might have to stop an attack on a factory by the dangerous Robot Gang, clear out a nasty infestation of Moon parasites, or even face the brilliant and ruthless Moon King. In the end, you're just an intern trying to make rent each month and keep your soul mate happy. The only difference is, on the Moon, you might have to fight a few ghosts, robots, parasites, and self-proclaimed monarchs to do so.

by Micro Macro Games
Website Video

Morphopolis is a game about transformation and discovery. Inspired by Machinarium and The Tiny Bang Story, Morphopolis takes the player through a lucid and fantastical insect world in a hidden object adventure. Taking the role of an aphid grub, you embark on a parasitic crusade to rescue your companion. The game is for Windows, Mac OSX, Android, iOS and Blackberry.

by Acoders
Website Video

Create mosaic images like no other!

"Mosaic Mingle" gives you pictures for you to turn them into real works of art!

While the pictures are simplistic at a glance, it takes skill to carefully place each tile at the correct location. Fitting each and every one of them will require good attention to detail as you play. But, the effort is worth it when you reveal the mosaic in its true beauty!

Will you challenge yourself to 50 mosaic puzzles in two different rounds?

by PopAppFactory
Website Video

Numbers puzzle game

by Stegersaurus Games
Website Video

Experience the extreme simulated sporting sensation that's sweeping our digital nation! Mount Your Friends is a fiercely competitive sporting event for you to play with your friends in the contextual security of your own couch, assuming that your couch is not composed of sexual innuendo. If it is, I would suggest buying a new couch or at least getting the current one cleaned professionally.

by Untame - Itay Keren
Website Video

Mushroom 11 is a post-apocalyptic puzzle-platformer with unique control mechanics. Guide a mysterious amorphic organism across brain-twisting obstacles, overcome swarms of bizarre mutated creatures, and understand the true nature of the devastation from which you emerged.

by Erlend Grefsrud
Website Video

Myriad is a stark naked action game where you make and break worlds. Defeat enemies to create, grow and ultimately detonate the game world, upgrading weapons by meeting chain reaction size quotas. Grab anything round to bend time and space, and rearrange the world to suit your needs. Go enjoy the game. Look. Try to learn, there are things to do that you probably haven't done before. It's more fun if I don't tell you how it works.

by AND-OR (René Bauer, Beat Suter)
Website Video

NanoRunners is a multiplayer race to the top for cinema or events with big screens like beamer, 25''+ screens! Everybody in the room can take part in it by using a smartphone( ipads or computers). Get your phone out, connect to the Hotspot, open your browser and assume a name: simple controls allow you to move left or right. Now, just be weary about all these obstacles and all your opponents. They are as fierce competitors as you and want to reach the top and win as many points as possible.

NanoRunners is a multiplayer race for up to 200 participants. All players steer avatar runners with their own smartphones. Simple and short, but lots of fun. And the audience turns into an interacting entity.

by Ken Amarit
Website Video

Nest, a new stop-motion felted wool videogame by Ken Amarit.

Nest is a competitive local multiplayer game where you control cute, wobbly and wonky felted wool creatures and fight to control all the nests in the sky. Fly around and battle it out against your best friends and mortal enemies. Win a round by capturing all the nests, or by capturing more than your opponent does before the timer runs out.

Nest was made by needle felting wool sculptures that were then stop-motion animated. I dyed all the wool myself using natural dyes, including some grown in my own backyard. I was also able to locally source some of the wool here in New York City from the cotswold sheep raised at the Queens County Farm Museum. I am a one man team, and the game was made while I was an artist-in-residence at the Museum of Arts and Design in NYC.

You can find more info at the game's website: http://www.ohmy.me/nest

by Binary Rebellion: Wilson Leong, Graham Baradoy, Stephen Froeber (SRF), Melanie Thiessen, Megan Eckstadt.
Website Video

A blend of tactical action and defense with ninjas and dinosaurs. Change ninja jobs on the fly, upgrade them, and find items to augment your team's powers.

Plenty of jobs to find, different dinosaurs to fight, 50+ levels and three difficulty levels. Developed over three years by numerous contributors, awesome music stylings by Stephen Froeber!

Available for iPhone 4.3+ on the Apple App store.

by ZeroBit Games

No Protocol is romantic sci-fi cyber spy thriller. Logic puzzler which challenges player to break the code and set free an advanced AI.

by TeamC Studio

In NodeOut you traverse through enormous number of connected nodes to collect power-ups and level up through portals, defeat the low level opponent by enclosing the death triangle where its projection is in. The procedural in-game music is generated automatically based on the game events. This game also features split-screen versus mode.

by Monobanda
Website Video

Little Nott doesn't want to go to bed, there is so much to explore! This iPad game starts when Nott is not in the least inclined to go to sleep and it ends when she is completely at peace and closes her eyes.

In Nott Won't Sleep, toddlers aged 2 to 4 help Nott get ready for bed in three separate scenes, each relating to a different aspect of going to sleep. The game offers cute, calm graphics and animation, relaxing music and thematic gameplay, all of which have been carefully crafted to contribute to the theme of going to bed.
Nott Won't Sleep is a fun yet soothing experience.

Monobanda worked with best-selling literary novelist Renate Dorrestein, scientific researchers, and experts on psychology.

Nott Won't Sleep is published by Developlay.

by Vlambeer
Website Video

Nuclear Throne is Vlambeers latest action roguelike-like about mutants that spend their workdays trying to fight for the throne in a post-apocalyptic world. The radioactive waste in the world allows mutants to get ahead by mutating new limbs on the fly and the abundant availability of powerful weaponry makes the quest to become the ruler of the Wasteland one frought with peril. All of this is really just an excuse for us to make a fun action game.

by Young Horses
Website Video

Octodad: Dadliest Catch is about destruction, deception, and fatherhood. The player controls Octodad, a dapper octopus masquerading as a human, as he goes about daily life.

Octodad's existence is a constant struggle, as he must master mundane tasks with his unwieldy boneless tentacles while simultaneously keeping his cephalopodan nature a secret from his human family. Opposing the octopus are scores of staircases, boxes of banana peels, and one intense sushi chef.

Octodad has gotten himself in a bind between his wife's mounting mistrust, and a disastrous trip to the local aquarium! Manipulate his body like a squishy marionette to maintain the masquerade, as too much suspicion from the proper populace will doom him to sleep with the fishes!

by Rock Pocket Games
Website Video

Ratchet & Clank meets Zelda meets Uncharted in a multidimensional adventure of epic proportion.
Sounds ambitious, well yes it is!

It's also wrapped in a mix between Adventure and Platformer with a twist. The twist is the Dimension Jumping. Each world you play on has at least three parallel dimensions to explore and use. Each of these dimensions has its own storyline, quest-arcs, npcs, fauna and flora but most importantly: different physical laws. They are fully explorable and yours to manipulate to get ahead in the storyline.

by Chaz Carter (FlashChaz) & Wayne Marsh
Website Video

Once Upon A Life is a heartwarming adventure that sees senior citizen Harry Dicky venture out of his retirement home in search of one last, final adventure.

After a gust of wind sweeps all of his precious memories out of his scrapbook and through the window, he embarks on an epic adventure that takes him from the retirement home and all the way to space, and back again. Reminiscing throughout his journey about his beloved wife Marianna and his son Henry, Harry soon discovers that in trying to find solace in the past, he has stumbled upon the most exciting experience of his life.

by SUTD Game Lab
Website Video

One Upon Light is a monochromatic top-down puzzler in which players control a photophobic protagonist trapped in a world of hazardous lights and shifting darkness. Manipulate objects in the environment to create shadows for safety, and help the protagonist on his journey to uncover the truth lurking under the cover of darkness.

by Developed by Christian Hamm - Support & Music by Xaver Hetzenegger
Website Video

ONE WATCHER is a modern fast-paced retro platformer, combining unique and challenging gameplay with a deep and intense atmosphere. Although the game is set in an industrial style, each world features a unique design underlining its atmosphere.

Starting in the dark undergrounds you will have to cross the forgotten industry, pass the stormy icelands and survive the city guards to finally reach the origin of this deserted world, the megalith.

The game will feature five worlds with more than 80 levels.

by Smoking Wolf
Website Video

Across all dimensions, there is one constant: Darkness. Escape the darkness and journey across the land to find the Demon Lord. Travel through a turn-based world that combines procedural generation with SRPG elements.

The world you visit is generated based on its name. Visit a world you've gone to before, or put in any word you can think of. You might end up in a lush grassland full of animals, or a hellscape of demons and few allies.

Earn Hero Points through each playthrough, and unlock skills and additional classes to take on the Darkness in any way you choose.

by DigiPen Team The Four Musketeers
Website Video

Oniro is a 2D side scrolling puzzle platforming where you play as Amets. With the ability of resizing objects, you will need to solve the puzzles in order to go through the levels. Who is she? Where is she? What is happening to her? Those are the questions you will help Amets to answer as you discover them.

Jon Sanchez - Technical Lead, Programmer
Markel Madina - Design Lead, Programmer
Antoine Micaelian - Graphics, Programmer
Asier Renteria - Producer, Programmer
Xabi Sevillano - Artist
Xabi España - Artist
Sendoa Bergasa - Artist
Jorge Fernandez - Music

by aMess Games
Website Video

The 80's live again, and so do the dead! Welcome to the zombie infested America that is OreZom Trails! It's up to you to save the world from the grip of the zombies in this retro arcade adventure. Journey across the country and enjoy the sights of America, just watch out for the zombie hoards!

UNEARTH the backstory of OreZom Trails by unlocking illustrated journal pages.
COLLECT items to help you make your way across the country.
SURVIVE over 16 perilous quests into the wilds overrun by zombies.
EVADE zombie hordes while looking for items and survivors.
EXPLORE over 36 huge environments across the country.
ROAD TRIP across zombie infested abandoned highways.
DISCOVER secrets galore for replayability.
DIE in many cruel and unexpected ways.

Don't let the visuals mislead you, OreZom Trails is a unforgiving hard core game at heart.

by Last Limb LLC
Website Video

A platformer with Destructible levels, and reactive liquids as a band of whacky organics take on the might of the meat and cheese empire!

by Red Barrels
Website Video

Outlast is a true survival horror experience which aims to show that the most terrifying monsters of all come from the human mind.

In the remote mountains of Colorado, horrors wait inside Mount Massive Asylum. A long-abandoned home for the mentally ill, recently re-opened by the "research and charity" branch of the transnational Murkoff Corporation, the asylum has been operating in strict secrecy. . . until now.

Acting on a tip from an anonymous source, independent journalist Miles Upshur breaks into the facility, and what he discovers walks a terrifying line between science and religion, nature and something else entirely. Once inside, his only hope of escape lies with the terrible truth at the heart of Mount Massive.

by PopAppFactory
Website Video

Overcolor is an amazing brainteaser that delivers a burst of fun and can be played all day long by both kids from 6 years and adults.
More than 100 fun and addictive challenges divided into 4 increasing difficulty levels. You should pick necessary patterns and stack them up, one by one in the right order. For the beginners level you'll need just 2 or 3 patterns but for the hardest one you'll need at least five. When your composition matches the challenge exactly you've cracked it!

by Dan Holbert / Dissident Logic
Website Video

A unique, twisted platformer that challenges your spatial perceptions with clever puzzles and engaging combat. Your gravity reorients to surface you are standing on. Run along bizarre, freeform surfaces while you explore strange and beautiful environments.

You play as a stick man who tires of being confined to a sheet a paper and journeys into storybooks. You embrace the adventure, but it comes at a cost. Things will never be the same when you return.

Paperbound also includes a multiplayer mode. Up to four players can square off in an arena where each fighter has his own gravity direction. Currently local multiplayer only. Requires gamepads (Xbox 360 gamepad recommended).

Design/Programming/Sound FX: Daniel Holbert
Art: Jose Emroca Flores
Music: Matias Castro, Isaias Graces, Sebastien Olivares, and Andrew W. Riley

by Lucas Pope
Website Video

The October labor lottery is complete. Your name was pulled.
For immediate placement, report to the The Ministry of Admission at Grestin Border Checkpoint.
An apartment will be provided for you and your family in East Grestin. Expect a Class-8 dwelling.
Glory to Arstotzka.


The communist state of Arstotzka has just ended a 6-year war with neighboring Kolechia and reclaimed its rightful half of the border town, Grestin. Your job as immigration inspector is to control the flow of people entering the Arstotzkan side of Grestin from Kolechia. Among the throngs of immigrants and visitors looking for work are hidden smugglers, spies, and terrorists. Using only the documents provided by travelers and the Ministry of Admission's primitive inspect, search, and fingerprint systems you must decide who can enter Arstotzka and who will be turned away or arrested.

by Paralect Team
Website Video

Paralect is a 2D platformer that uses gameplay, visuals, and narrative to tell a personal story of cultural unrooting. It explores the paradigm shifts caused by culture shock and adaptation and investigates how those transformations affect one's vision of people, their environment, the place you initially came from and, most importantly, the place you wish to call home.

The game is divided into a sequence of experiences. At first glance, the main world is a typical platformer, presenting the player with environmental obstacles and puzzles. However, the narrative delivery system allows the player to spatially explore the monologue of NPCs and discover clues about how these characters and their worlds work.

by Niklas Swanberg
Website Video

PARCH is a first person horror game.

You play as Charlie, a man in his 30s. On a road trip with his girlfriend Julie, they find an old abandoned ice cream-hut. After breaking in, Charlie is gassed by a security system and falls unconscious. He wakes up alone and confused in a cell, a loud noise is coming from the outside. He manages to escape the little room, and repairs an old car found in a nearby garage. He sets out into the night, and finds himself in an old abandoned park. His mind is set to find Julie.

Charlie is throughout the adventure overhelmed by confusion, loneliness, sadness and isolation. We will follow his emotions through the game by the words he mumbles to himself. Surroundings in the game involves a vast forest, a theme park, an old hotel, a dried out sea, a zoo, a big house, a maze of underground tunnels and a hospital.

The gameplay is pretty unique - you use inventories with your left hand, and weapons with your right. All the inventories are found in the world - the places where you can use an inventory are marked with a glowing blue cylinder. There are no monsters in Parch - it's not a shooter. You do meet some kind of being, who looks a lot like your supposedly kidnapped girlfriend, only she is mute and makes you do strange things. The weapons are things like remote controls, cameras and potato guns. Weapons are often used in conjunction with the inventories to solve puzzles and make progress in the game.

by Andy Wallace
Website Video

Particle Mace is an upcoming title for Windows, Mac and iOS that pays homage to classic space shooters, but replaces the typical guns with an unruly physics-based weapon. Players control a tiny ship in an extremely hostile universe, and must defend themselves as long as possible from enemy ships and asteroids using a collection of trash particles tethered to the ship. To survive, players must carefully navigate around the many hazards while building up momentum to swing their weapon into foes or other players.

Inspired by twitchy arcade classics old and new, Particle Mace requires quick reflexes to stay alive, rewarding skilled players with high scores worth bragging about and giving new players a reason to hit restart. Graphically, the game uses abstracted visuals to create a striking play field combined with an entrancing procedural background.

by SeeThrough Studios
Website Video

Can rationality save us? Can obsession be a force for good as well as for ill? And while we're asking - why does anything even exist at all?

Particulars is about exploring the nature of the universe and of ourselves, without ever being fully in control.

It is game based on the physics of subatomic particles - the constituent components of everything. Guide a quark through the mysteries of subatomic space: surf electromagnetic forces; solve unique puzzles; avoid annihilation.

It is also the story of Alison, a young scientist who must come to terms with a difficult past as she journeys through the subatomic realm.

by Le Château Noir
Website Video

A short game about abuse

by Birnam Wood Games
Website Video

Pathogen is a revolutionary strategy game for mobile and tablet devices. Designed with the classic board game experience in mind, Pathogen brings mechanics and play styles of classics like Chess and Go to a whole new level. Easy to learn, but with an infinite depth of strategic options, Pathogen will have you challenging your friends for years to come.

- Endless strategy
- Extensive single player Campaign
- Many play modes and map styles
- Map Editor
- Challenge friends in person or online

by Visiontrick Media
Website Video

Pavilion is a fourth person exploratory experience about guidance, influence and subliminal control. Manipulate the surrounding environment, influence his sense and guide the main character on the path towards truth.

Pavilion takes place in a world unknown to both the player and the main character. A surreal dream-like place where reality clash with fantasy. Fully realized in beautiful hand-painted 2d graphics and dreamy ambient music that makes for an unforgettable audio-visual experience.

Pavilion is bound to launch exclusively on PlayStation®4 & PlayStation®Vita in the spring of 2014.

by Petit Fabrik

Make the birds on the wire sing the most famous classical tunes, by touching on them on the right time. Besides playing music, you will avoid that they get burned by electricity.

by Arcane Kids
Website Video

A First person maximalist skater. Literally a perfect game. State Of The Art computer graphics. Based on old school FPS movement exploits (Quake jumping, Tribes skiing, CS surfing). The controls are hella hard & we like it that way so shut up

by Peter Lu and Lea Schönfelder
Website Video

Perfect Woman is structured into progressive levels, each one representing a different stage in a woman's life. Starting at the child stage, players must post in front of a Kinect to mimic various poses that appear on screen. The better a player is able to hold the pose, the more "perfect" their rating for that level.

Perfect Woman features a branching decision tree which serves to create a narrative of the character's life. Past choices may make future choices more difficult. Perfect Woman suggests that it isn't possible to be perfect at every stage in life, and that's perfectly fine.

by Greg Lobanov (Dumb and Fat Games)
Website Video

Perfection. is a simple, soothing puzzle game about cutting shapes to fit into outlines. There is an infinite number of puzzles, each randomly generated to be unique and interesting.

Its gameplay is very minimalistic and very forgiving; there is no time limit, and you can cut as many times as you want and undo as many times as you want until you get each shape right. Or, you can challenge yourself to clear the shape in front of you in as few cuts as possible. Whether you get it perfect or not, once a shape is completed, it's gone forever. There's no commitment to go back and master what you've already seen; only what's new and in front of you.

by Digital Dream Quartet
Website Video

Play as Pico, an orphan on a determined quest to find Father. Progress in the 2D, platform adventure game by solving puzzles, and piecing together clues that pop-up along the way.

by 78 x 36 Productions
Website Video

Take to the air, and barnstorm through windmill alley when Pigeon Rush hits the App Stores.

In Pigeon Rush, players get to see what life is like
flirting with the fine line between everlasting heroism and raptor induced mortality.

Dart, dash, dive, drift and dominate to unlock new domains.

A secret agent bird, codename: Blackhawk, is chosen to deliver correspondence- highly classified as Top Secret in order to persevere, and deliver what the secret message is corresponding!

Naturally, being a speed freak, Pigeon Rush is tapped to fend off aggressive attacks, monstrous rotating turbine blades, and other obstacles.

Yes, monstrous turbine blades. And killer bees, all the while flying amongst and navigating treacherous scenery.

While Pigeon Rush is due to be soft launched in the ____App Store, the rest
of the world has to wait until ____[date].

Until then, your inner Blackhawk will have to wait for OO[Double O] secret agent

by Mike.A Annechiarico
Website Video

PigFish is a sea-smart grunt fish with a porky sense of flavor. Desperate to survive in the polluted and treacherous waters of the Bronx River, he swims fearlessly, eating anything and almost everything with a fierce yen for bacon!
Travel with PigFish on his voyage as he clears the waters, dodging wacky creatures and dangerous obstacles to avoid hunger and destruction through a multilevel sewer system.
PigFish is an exciting and challenging game with original graphics and music. PigFish is set in an underwater urban environment, and is loaded with a caravan of whimsical characters and striking visuals. Join PigFish for a fun-filled adventure!

by Eigen Lenk
Website Video

Pioneers is a turn-based world exploration adventure game with certain role playing elements. You lead a party of explorers in search of treasure-rich temples, new and interesting tribes and mythical kingdoms. You start out as lone but highly curious traveller wishing to see what lies beyond the horizon, promising his father to make him proud. Adventure ensues!