Ghost Wrangler

Entrant 2013

Blast Code


Elmer the "Ghost Wrangler" has been hired to remove a band of noisy, destructive ghosts haunting a mansion. Using a homemade gun that shoots out a fiery "plasma" ray, Elmer lassoes each ghost and traps them in a plasma sack. He later relocates the ghosts, releasing them in a remote ghost town to haunt happily ever after.

Your job is to help Elmer find and capture all the ghosts in the room, some of whom are hiding in bottles and pots. You have to fire the gun and loop the plasma ray around each ghost and guide them into the plasma sack. The ray itself burns and rips through anything it touches, leaving a path of massive destruction in its wake. Be careful, because some of the ghosts will attack by throwing objects at your gun, causing it to crack and leak plasma! You must complete your task before the gun releases enough plasma to reach a critical level, causing the entire room to blow to smithereens!
