Particle Planet is an open ended, sandbox puzzle game with moving particles that interact in complex ways. These worlds are active, energetic and alive! Strange things grow and change of their own volition, playing out mysterious narratives that you influence. Particle Planet is about life and dynamics -- crystals vibrating and pushing outward, plants and trees absorbing energy and growing into living systems. As the Terraformer, your role is to subtly influence this universe in a positive way, but your effects are not always obvious or even predictable.
Particle Planet is a minimalist puzzle game about dynamics, living worlds, intelligent systems and patterns. What happens in Particle Planet?
- Save Critters from complex obstacles using Attractive fields, Electricity and Water
- Grow Crystals and transform the landscape using Bombs, Sparks and Glass.
- Plant Seeds and Trees, bring them Water with Motors/Power.
- Much more is possible!