Remember trying to memorize the names, symbols and qualities of each element on the Periodic Table in high school chemistry class? Did it make your eyes light up like Neon (Ne) or your eyelids droop like lead (Pb)? Learning the basic chemical building blocks of the world and space around us isn't easy, so we are using a team of fictional characters in a colorful imaginary world to make it fun and simple enough for even a five-year-old to begin scaling the elemental grid a golden (Au) learning opportunity, so to speak.
Perios - The Elemental Quest, an educational tool for children, parents and educators, is designed to teach children helpful chemistry basics while they are immersed in the game so they can recognize and understand those fundamentals when they begin that subject at school. Each perio is a fictional character whose name, traits, family and powers are based on an actual corresponding element in the Periodic Table of Elements. Carbo, for example, is named for carbon, a solid non-metal element. Two gases helium and nitrogen become the perios Helen and Nitro. The perios belong to different clans that match the Periodic Table groups, such as alkaline earth metals, non-metals, halogens, and noble gases, among others. They live in Perioland's various regions, which represent different environments where their corresponding elements typically are found. The object of the series first game is to explore Perioland, catch the perios and bring them home. The game has three stages of difficulty, with 10 levels in each stage.